Network Penetration Test
Our team engages in external and internal network penetration tests allowing your team to gain visibility into your external and internal network footprints to gain an idea of what security gaps may be present in your enviorment.
Wide Coverage
This assessment is great for companies that want to get a wide net of security improvments.
First Time?
If your company has never received a penetration test before this a great assessment to start with as it covers the most ground.
Active Directory
Insights from experts to explore your Active Directory enviorment for potentional security misconfigurations.
External Visibility
This assessment provides visibility into your internet facing assets, and what an attacker may see and leverage in a real world scenario .
Web & API Application Test
This assessment is best for specialized web application testing. It focuses on deep-diving into your web applications and APIs to detect potential security gaps that could put data at risk.
White Box
This assessment allow your team to provide the source code to the application to find the most amount of vulnerabilities.
Black Box
You also have the option of conducting a blackbox approach to get a real life simulation of what an attacker would see.
Development Testing
This assessment is best to test the security enviorment of your development lifecycle.
Azure & O365 Security Test
We conduct Azure and O365 security testing to detect potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in your cloud environment. The cloud allows efficient scaling and allows you to extend your business's technical abilities with speed. This also introduces security gaps that are often overlooked.
O365 Testing
This test goes into O365 security configurations review and testing to give peace of mind to your cloud footprint.
Azure Configuration Review and Testing
This test goes into security configurations to cloud computing resources and Entra review.
E3 or E5?
Whether you have E3 or E5 licensing we will provide recommendations that go best with your current licensing structure.
Red Teaming Assessment
This assessment is reserved for mature security environments that want to get a real-life scenario and look into how a threat would access the corporate network.
Modern TTPs and Tools
This assessment uses advanced C2 frameworks and techniques to gain unauthorized access to data.
Social Engineering
This assessment comes with a myriad of social engineering techniques to gain credentials and trick users into exposing sensitive information.
Long Term Engagment
These assessments are longer than the rest of the testing offered to simulate a real world scenario and are generally more than 4 weeks.
Focused Objectives
As opposed to a general network penetration test this assesment is geared toward specific targets and data.